Seamless customer payments and financing for capital equipment and software vendors

Fortify provides a delightful experience for customers to acquire essential use assets, and a streamlined process for vendors to close sales faster.

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How it works

The all-in-one B2B customer financing solution

Fortify takes care of commercial credit checks, documentation, payments, and more so you can close deals fast

Add a quote/invoice

Drag and drop your invoice into Fortify and let our AI parse the relevant data

Generate payment terms

Quickly generate customer payment options from templates or create from scratch

Share with your customer

See when customers view options. Customers choose the best payment option and buys


You offer various payment options. We handle the rest.

Payments handling

We handle anything from customer payments to upfront vendor payments

Express credit checks

Fortify conducts commercial credit checks with only your customer name and invoice

Merchant portal

Manage everything from generating payment options to the status of opportunities

Branded client portal

Your portal and customer pages are all branded to you

Get paid fast

Get invoices paid within 3 days

Fortify will pay your invoice upfront for approved customers. Unlock cashflow for growth through non-recourse financing (no risk payments). Offering monthly payment options increases customer order amounts and gets sales closed faster.

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Fortify CustomerFortify Customer Financing Portal
Fortify Customer Financing PortalFortify Customer Financing Portal
Meet customer demands

Improve your customer's buying experience

79% of US companies use some form of financing to purchase equipment, do you offer that option? Fortify empowers your sales team to present finance options alongside your current purchase options. No more friction in the closing process.

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Simplify the credit process

Simple credit checks = happy customers

We quietly run lightning fast credit decisions for your customers without lengthy forms or financials. All we need is your customer’s legal business name and invoice. Save your team hours and get credit decisions fast.

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Fortify Customer Financing PortalFortify Customer Financing Portal

How customer financing transforms your business

From meeting strategic objectives to efficiently managing risk

Increase order values

+26% Average order value

Monthly payment options means less discounting, which translates to higher order values and increased margin on every sale

Increase cashflow

+80% cash on hand

Customers pay monthly while we pay contracts up front. We pay invoices in 3 days or less. No more DSO, no more collections.

Risk free financing

Non-recourse financing

Our up front payments are non-recourse, which means the money we pay you is yours, no takebacks. Budget with confidence with Fortify's risk free financing.

Who we serve

We work with the best and brightest across a variety of industries

Medical Capital Equipment
Enterprise Software
IT Infrastructure
Industrial Equipment
Heavy Machinery
Resellers & Distributor